Aug. 30, 2002 - 10:36 a.m.
The Turd Avenger

I'm going to make good on a couple of promises to you this weekend. Today's "make good on promise" entry is the story of the Turd Avenger.

Chris and I are bath people, we like to have baths and relax in the hot and delicious water. We leave the bathroom door open so it doesn't get steamy in the room and just BECAUSE. My cats like it when we have baths because they can come and sit on the edge of the tub and stare vacantly at the water, as though they are positive the Loch Ness Monster is in there and they want proof.

Oliver Spoon also likes to drink soapy water because he's insane.

So needless to say, when we go into the bathroom to run the bath and get in, the cats invariably follow.

One fine day, we did just that. We were going to have a nice one together, we're evironmentally friendly..(ya right) and Norbert and Oliver Spoon came trotting in for an hour's worth of monster-spotting. Chris, giggling, shut the door, closing the cats in with us. Instantly they became agitated and cried and cried at the door to be let out, which is silly because if the door had been open, they would have been in the bathroom anyway forEVER. So Oliver Spoon scratched and scratched on the door and wailed, and Norbert starting his bizarre rrowing that sounds a bit like he's yelling "NO" at the top of his lungs. His voice gets very deep and throaty and he practically barks "NO" over an over again.

He got himself in to a right state and backed himself into the corner of the bathroom "NO"ing and staring around wild eyed and panicked. Suddenly, he stopped, marched over to Chris's T-Shirt that was lying on the floor, scratched at it twice and squeezed out a fresh steaming turd right then and there, right on the T-shirt. I don't know if he would have managed more, but at that moment Chris leapt out of the tub to shoo him away.

We were howling and howling the whole time, it was so funny watching them freak out like that. It's so stupid because they would have sat in there for hours on end, were the door open. Also, Norbert didn't have to poo and was locked away from the litter box, we had only been in there for ten minutes and it wasn't like he was fine and then realized he had to crap, it was more like, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhHHHH you shut the door aahhhh. Oh, you're LAUGHING at me? WELL!!! I never!! Right then, you're going to lock me in and then laugh at me? I'm going to shit on your stuff. So he marched over and shat on our stuff, hence, avenging the lock-in for himself, Oliver Spoon, and all other cats all over the world. Yep, he got us back goooood.

Norbert, the Turd Avenger, righting wrongs for felines everywhere. Check back later, when I've been at home and I'll have added their photos!

old bitching - random - new bitching

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