Feb. 13, 2003 - 1:48 p.m.
you won't be able to see me when I turn sideways...

My Grandma has offered to pay for me to join weightwatchers. She's also offered me a $250 monthly incentive to stay on it.

Shows how shallow I truly am. My friends couldn't encourage me, tough love didn't work, gentle assurance didn't work, my career doom looming didn't work, but money? HELL YEAH!

So I signed up and started yesterday. I opted for the version online, so I luckily don't have to attend meetings because that's just one more thing to do after work. I'd rather go to the gym.

I like the idea of eating what you want. It sort of translates to: eat yucky bad for you shit, and that's all you get to eat for the day, you'll starve to death, or eat hordes and hordes of stuff that is good for you and healthy and you can stuff your pudgy face all you want. Sounds pretty good. I'm not going to harp on in my diary about my progress or anything, though maybe if it's a hard day I might vent a little (like NOW mother fuckfuck people in the office keep bringing in cookies fuckfuck). I just thought you should know about this new chapter in my life. I'll let you know how it's going in a month, if I've lost anything.

MMMM water, delicious, tasty refreshing belly filling waaaaaaaterrrrrrrrrrrrr....


old bitching - random - new bitching

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