May. 31, 2004 - 12:35 p.m.
uninvolved evolution

One of the things I hate about reading back through my diary is how many times I say I am going to do something.

I am going to stop doing this. I am going to keep myself from doing that.

I never did any of that. All those things I said I wanted to change;, I didn't change them. Things are changing now, and it was funny, my horoscope said some poignant things yesterday which really made some sense. Damn, that woman has be ON these last few months. I'll post it when I get a copy of it.

I do feel like things are changing for me though. Strangely, they seem to be changing on their own. I'm not really doing anything differently, but I feel different. I seem to care a bit less about things. All things, almost everything.

Isn't that what I wanted?

old bitching - random - new bitching

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