Jun. 28, 2004 - 9:51 a.m.
a variety of hangovers

My boyfriend was not on the bus today.


I stayed at TooGood's last night, because I was exceptionally drunk from the Evita Cast party. Whooeee.

I had the weirdest dream. I was lying next to Toogood and he was facing away from me. I kept wanting him to turn towards me and cuddle me, but he kept turning back away. So in the morning I sat up and looked, and Helen was on the other side of the bed and he was cuddling her. And I was upset and I got mad and was all "WTF??" and he started to berate me.

"Well, you're fat and you're hairy and you're just a bitch. She's not. You're just...you're fat." So I started to tell him he was fat too and I was crying and he was yelling at me and Helen was just all cozy in bed waiting for him to come back. I felt awful. It was awful! And what was horrible about it was when I woke up, I was lying next to him and he was facing away from me. I had to look to be sure. It was a strange dream hangover to compliment my booze hangover.

So today I gave my notice at work that I'm leaving July 30th. That'll be my last day. At least I'm not finishing on a Friday 13th.

Wedding in four days. Tromley and Jana in four days. This will be my first time around them since they got back together. This is going to suck a lot.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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