Apr. 24, 2004 - 10:12 a.m.
Wake Me Up Inside

Sneaky me. I've taken my new fantastic laptop down to work at the theatre and jacked the internet cable from the back of Betsey's computer. Heeee. I'm so naughty. I love this job for some very obvious reasons.

Well, last night was craziness. It was Helen's birthday party and we had a little wine and cheese party. Wowee. It ended up being a raucus mess at about 4am. I crawled into bed and hid.

But I've made a few new friends and I'm quite happy about that. Chris and Nonie, who are soon to be married at the beginning of July are lovely. He's a filmmaker and artist, she's a biologist and technical writer. They're both brilliant and lovely. I was saying I needed to meet new people and inject a little freshness into my life. So I'm mighty pleased about this.

Chris is also my newest fan. He's going to cast me in all his projects.

I'm going through such a transitional phase in my life right now. It's tough to know which end is up. One minute I'm confused and crying and acting stupid and feeling like a 13 year old wanting something she can't have and having a tantrum over it. The next minute, I'm breathing and understanding and feeling ok about everything and I know how to be patient.

Patientia. My latest obsession. It is my quest now to learn patience. I have never been a patient person. I want everything and I want it now and why can't I have it now when I can see that it would work?

Patientia. I can be that person. I can wait. Life IS long, and there's lots of time. If I die tomorrow, that's ok. I haven't lost because I'll have known the worth of something.

I want to be a patient person NOW NOW NOW!


old bitching - random - new bitching

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this fucking voyage is taking FOREVER

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