Mar. 29, 2003 - 8:55 a.m.

Well well, once again I am at the granville Island box office, the one weekend office that has a computer so I can fuck around and waste my day in a productive manner!

I watched Blade Runner again last night. WOW what a film, I never get sick of it. It's so beautiful and so stylish and sexy and crazy manic city and wowowowowow. It kills me how cool it is. Harrison Ford will always be a hottie, and WOW, what a film. I can't say wow enough times to indicate how much I love this movie.

I'm wearing the bummiest possible clothes today. I love granville island on a saturday. No managers, no dress code. I'm wearing SUPER baggy grey pants with mega wide bottoms, and a black fleece zip up with white stripes, but neither are wrinkle free, nor actually clean, I think.

MMMM need a bagel.

Well, I am just yammering now, so maybe I'll wait until I have something of more substance to say. Or until I'm super bored again.


old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
Silence - hopefully, it stays that way, the minute the phone rings it will kill my good mood.
Feels Like:
A little sleepy, a little missing someone.

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