Mar. 31, 2003 - 11:11 a.m.


That should be my nickname. I am a manic depressive, my moods do this:


I am confused about my love life. It seems to be all over the place, I'm hot and cold. Here's what it's like:


My weight:


My desire to be in a relationship is funny, I want to be in a long term loving and idolizing relationship, but I want to be a free individual. My mind makes choices like this:


If I quit my diet, I will become round like a:


Yo-Yo's don't feel anything, or think about anything. they're made of wood, and their sole purpose of existence is to be played with and to entertain the user.

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
The Walkmen - Wake Up
Feels Like:
I keep going up and down and up and down. Dizzying.

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