
misterwah - 2003-08-19 17:19:44
hahaha... easybake oven... gold.
JonasParker - 2003-08-19 17:58:17
So much for that $1000, eh? Damn.
christen - 2003-08-19 18:32:34
Holy crap... I go away from this for a couple weeks and all hell breaks loose. Are you okay? You sound so level headed it's amazing.
conscience - 2003-08-19 22:27:45
I think there is someone who is not being considered here. Someone who can not speak for him/her self. Someone who's soul is going to be with you, whatever you decide. Think long and hard Author, this is a decision that is going to affect you for the rest of your life. You will have to live with what you choose to do for a long time.
Author - 2003-08-20 12:25:20
I think that if there is a soul with me that soul's been with me all along, and won't mind waiting a little longer, for the right time. Because if they've been with me all along, they'll know that this is not the right father, not the right time in my life. Or, on the alternative, we don't have souls. There aren't any, and we're just meat. That said, I don't want to hear ANY more religious tripe.
JonasParker - 2003-08-20 12:32:50
What I meant was that being pregnant may keep you from reaching your goal weight.
K - 2003-08-20 13:15:26
Hey there Conscience.. Don't preach your shit here. Sorry A, It pisses me off when people preach their crap to other people.
fake-conscience - 2003-08-20 13:19:37
one of us... one of us...
K - 2003-08-20 14:22:13
Hey fake-conscience -if you're going to spout off stuff at least make sense.

go on, foam at the mouth:

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