
Pork Tornado - 2004-04-23 21:51:51
You have a mastery of language that I don't see very often. Maybe it's not so much a mastery of language as it is a mastery of your life. I think that's really where it all comes from. You are handling this situation the right way, no matter how much it may hurt at times. In any case, I'm glad you see things for what they are instead of what you want them to be. It will serve you well.
saffyre9 - 2004-04-23 23:08:53
I wish I had gotten to meet you, if only to give you a hug. BUt knowing when its time to work on yourself, and when to take a break from the stressful relationships, is key I think. But you are a strong person, and you know yourself well...and while things may be hard right now, I think you will be fine.

go on, foam at the mouth:

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