Dec. 05, 2003 - 10:50 a.m.
Further From Traffic

Here's a thought.

In actions, he's mine. When we walk down the street, he puts his arm over my shoulder and holds my hand there. When we were at the video store, while perusing the little boxes our fingers unconsciously touched and grasped each other. It was strange because I don't remember when we started touching like that. One moment I was looking at vids, the next, his fingers and my fingers were twining.

He walks on the outside of me on sidewalks so that I'm further from the traffic.

The way he hugs me, cuddles me when we watch movies. All the little things about the way he physically interacts with me tell me he loves me in all sorts of little ways.

Then he opens his mouth and tells me it won't ever work, that I have to stop hoping and that if we continue to be physical, I'll never find a boyfriend.

We're driving eachother insane.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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