Jul. 21, 2003 - 11:07 a.m.
In My Place...

Wow. A busy weekend. It went by so fast, but I packed so much in that I think I really used it up!

Friday night was a party at Kelly's, which I think I mentioned. I ended up having a heart to heart with ole Kirin. He was hammered, I was completely sober. I think he appreciated my company, he's been so messed up these days. Not enough sleep etc. Made me feel good that he's comfortable with me and can tell me personal things. I like to be that for people.

Saturday morning I hung out with Trevor, who picked up his x-box and took me for tea before work. It was nice. I miss him much less these days and when I'm hanging with him, I don't want to grab his face and kiss him anymore. Yay. Time heals.

Then I had a lame lame LAME-O workout, which was very short, and then I just showered and went to work. FUCKING great day at work on Sat.

There's a new girl at work, Helen. I don't make friends with women very well, but I think we've done it. She's very laid back, very cool, very down to earth. We seem to just get along. So that's cool. Dale, Chris, Helen and I (All coworkers) just goofed around pretty much the whole day, took off for long drawn out and highly illegal breaks etc. Then Chris, Helen and I went for a couple of drinks after work. I had 3 glasses of wine, which I can normally ingest with hardly a problem, just a little tipsy if anything, but for some reason, I was TANKED. At least I felt TANKED.

Then went to Anna's house for Audrafest, Audra's birthday party. They made me sing. I was terrified. I was also TANKED, or at least felt TANKED. Anna said that I was fine, that I didn't seem too messed up. But I really really felt TANKED.

So that was fun, saw some old faces etc. Then took a cab home and went straight to bed.

Did the usual run Sunday morning, which was GREAT. I didn't stop once, I was a fucking machine!!! Laid around a bit, went to Jackrabbits house where some shit went down which I'll write about later, then to an Arts Club party that we earned by selling a billion summer theatre packages.

After the festivities, we headed to Richard's on Richards (Dicks on Dicks HAHA), which is a horrible club, to see Karsh Kale spin, he was AMAZING. It was a decent show, I'll say. I had ONE gin and soda, and I feel like SHITE this morning. I can't imagine why.

More shinola went down at and after the show with my Jackrabbit, but not bad things. Sad, but happy, but sigh...

My heart breaks and mends and breaks and mends, again and again. It must look like the surface of the moon.

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
Cold Play - In my Place
Feels Like:
feta cheese is stuck in my throat

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