Jun. 19, 2003 - 9:06 a.m.

I'm still pretty zen today. And I've gone boy crazy.

There's a new guy in my acting class, MAL-R, which are his initials..hehe. We went through this whole silly thing about what MAL-R sounds like.

"I'm suffering from a particularly severe case of MAL-R"

"You must connect the steel rod to the MAL-R"

etc etc.

He's very cute, very funny, quite a decent actor and he drives a Dodge Omni. Sigh...hahahah.

I'm also now free to flirt and maybe hang out with the Smoothie Shop guy in a capacity other than friends, which is cool. I was definitely not ready for a full time committed relationship. I think if anything, Trevor was a rebound relationship off of Jackrabbit!

If that makes any sense.

My scenes were good last night, I didn't hug the table like I always do, trying to hide. That's nerves and fear playing up.

I wish I had Bettie Page's hair. Although no one has hair like in Olivia's paintings, see right.

I'm a little kinked up today. I didn't get hom until 1:30 last night, because Kelly (bacchus) was BLABBING away as usual, which is fine because he's really funny, but when you're tired and you want to go home it's like, dude, gotta go. You have to cut him off sometimes, in a nice way, or he'll go on all night. I've been there.

I got a ride home in MAL-R's sky blue Dodge Omni, what a zippy little thing, I could be in love! haha. It's gotta be from the 70s.

I haven't heard from Trevor in a while. I'm guessing he doesn't miss me like he said he did/would. Motherfucker.

but I am zen today. It doesn't matter.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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