May. 08, 2003 - 1:25 p.m.
I'm Not My Mother

Got referred to this entry HERE as a comparison of my situation. It was said that I wasn't as bad as this chick but it was suggested that it was only different by degrees. So have a read first....

My reply:

I'm not as sad as her friend, and the Lawyer is NO WHERE NEAR disgusting like that guy. There is no real SHIT i'm putting up with other than his cowardice in telling his three friends about us. He's not hiding us in public, we go out all the time, he's not embarassed to be seen with me. Everyone else knows about us. His parents, my family, my friends, his other friends. Basically anyone who is not associated with this friend that had a crush on me.

It's not an issue of him hiding me as a girlfriend, it's an issue of him hiding HIMSELF from three of his friends because, yes, he's a WUSS about this.

He's afraid that he'll lose a very good friend because he acted on his interest in me when he knew that said good friend was crushing on me in a big way. It's all very high school. He's AFRAID now that if he told said friend we were dating, said friend would be extremely angry and not want to speak to him again. The funny thing is, knowing said friend, I slightly agree that his reaction will be less than mature.

But I also stress the importance of honesty and if this said friend was as good a friend as claimed, he would forgive the Lawyer and get over things eventually. I think he might be MORE angry to know that he'd been lied to all this time.

Here's a little quote from the above linked entry:

"It's the saddest thing ever, but when I'm single or my boyfriend at the time is acting like a fuckwad, at least I can look at him and say:


Exactly. When he treats me like a fucking queen of goddesses 99.9% of the time and the .1% mistreatment is that he's having cowardice issues after not quite a month of dating, then I don't think I'm totally being taken for a ride quite yet. If after a lot longer has passed and he's STILL not even rolling the idea of telling them around in his head, then I've got a problem.

Wow, thank you for that. I suddenly feel a WHOLE lot better about this. I feel like, hey, yeah, I am whining and getting depressed and I let that asshole Slipping Billy get to me, and really, it's only been nearly four weeks, not even a month, it's not like we're married and he's keeping it a big fat secret.

You could say I'm rationalizing everything. But he doesn't hit me. He doesn't talk down to me. He treats me with a great deal of respect in all other areas of our relationship. He respects my intelligence. He respects me as a human with a sense of humour and sensitivity. He just needs to get some balls and stop being a COWARD.

That's all there is to it. Otherwise, he's by all intents and purposes a pretty good boyfriend.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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Rage in my ears!!!!
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Rage in my chest!!!

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