Jun. 24, 2003 - 11:09 a.m.
I'll be a smart girl

Well. This is ex-boyfriend week. Tonight I might be going for coffee with Chris, the BIG ex from ages ago, thursday I'm going for coffee with Trevor to get my keys back and one of Jackrabbit's games since he doesn't ever want to see Trevor again and thinks he's an asshole and hates his guts. Then I'm going to dinner and dancing with Jackrabbit on Friday night. Is the week of the exes.

I wish Tim would email me and let me know when he's coming out!! I think it's the last weekend in July, but there's no confirmation or anything. Poo, I am so impatient!

I hung out with my brother on Sunday night, I forgot to mention. Man, that kid is growing UP. He's got hairy legs. EEEEEE!! He's taller than me by a ridiculous amount and he's got his father's large hands, but my mother's long fingers, so his hands are MASSIVE, like his canoe sized feet. He's going to be exceptionally tall when he's done growing. He reminds me a bit of Prince William, that fresh faced sort of look, light haired, lean and tall, pretty. Although my brother has mashed his face up mountain biking. He's got a stitches scar over his eye now where he ripped the lid open, and he's got a dirt-burn that's healing on his face. Kinda like road rash only from mountain guck.

Great kid though.

So I've decided my plan for education. I am never ever giving up on acting, that's something that means a lot to me, but I am going to get a degree. A Bachelor of Arts to be sure. In Classical Studies. Because I find that subject terribly interesting, I want to learn latin and greek, I also want to take minors in linguistics and english. Maybe some writing courses. I would like to write, I wouldn't mind working at a publishing company editing or something the like. Anyway, with this degree I can always go into Law if I want to. Either way, I'll be a-learn-ed.


So now...what do I have to do to get the ball rollin?

old bitching - random - new bitching

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