Jun. 11, 2003 - 4:04 p.m.
Today is the greatest day I've ever....oh, wait, well, it was....

Hmmm. The lawyer and I. 2 months today. Not that anyone is counting.

I suppose that since it's no longer a secret to people who know about this diary, I can reveal the lawyer's first name, since I keep typing it by accident and I have to go back and erase it and write the lawyer, which is a huge pain in the ass, since he isn't even a lawyer, just contemplating going into law school after his degree is done....

Trevor. His name is Trevor. And he's lovely. My weekend boyfriend that sends me sweet and thoughtful emails from school during the week, since I don't get to see him..


I have class tonight. I think I am going to take a break from class for two months. I know I'll miss everyone, but I want more time to myself this summer. I won't have choir on Tuesdays. I won't have class on Wednesdays, I'll just have to work on Thursdays. It'll be nice to potter around and kinda have a vacation, without actually having one. I do get another few days in October, 12 total, I think, to take a holiday. I am going to Greece. But that's October, that's miles away. I can also use the money that I'll save from not going to class. That's $320 right there to throw into the Greece fund. One of the little islands, that's what I'd like to go to. Spetsos or something? I dunno. I wonder if Trev will be able to come with me or not.

I doubt it, since he'll be in school. But it's worth asking him, maybe.

I had a big fight with Angie at work today, it was a rather awful row, I got angry and actually raised my voice at her, but she raised her voice at me so it wasn't really me being brutal or anything.

I came back from lunch at about 12:50, and Christina came with me because she had photos to show me from LA, where she's been living. So she came and sat in the other chair at my desk and showed them to me. I noticed at 1:05 that Angie hadn't left for lunch yet so I buzzed her and said, "hey, I'm back I can get the phones, don't you wanna go for lunch?" and she said "ooooh, are you back? your friend's still here. You're lunch is from 12 to 1. You have filing to do, blah blah blah" I said I'm getting the phone, she's showing me photos trying to defend myself and we just hung up. Then when Christina left, I marched down there and said, "i would appreciate it if you wouldn't police my work angela" and basically her argument was that my lunch is from 12-1 and that if I'm back from lunch late it eats into her lunch. This is bullshit, because the only thing she has to do when I'm on lunch is answer the fucking phone. I was back, and I was answering the fucking phone so there was nothing keeping her from leaving for lunch.

Second, I said, I get my work done, five to ten minutes of not filing right after lunch is not going to throw the whole fucking office out of whack, especially not her lunch. Since filing has nothing to do with her answering the phone at all. So I told her it wasn't her place to police my work, and she said, "yes it is". How is putting off the fucking filing for 10 minutes not getting my work done? People in this office take 2 hour lunches ALL THE TIME, I never do. I am not allowed. An extra ten minutes AT MY DESK able to answer the phones is not going to kill anyone.

She also said that there's confidental stuff on my desk, what's she doing sitting there? I said, we were looking at photos, I wasn't showing her the goddam files.

Anyway, it was loud, I was angry and I pretty much flipped out. I was shaking for a good 20 minutes after that at my desk. Raging!!

Does anyone out there agree with her? Why?

What the fuck. Anyway. It's not like we work at the pentagon, it's not like the filing explodes if it isn't filed right away (there really wasn't much filing in the first place, would have taken me all of 10 minutes anyway)


old bitching - random - new bitching

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