Jun. 05, 2002 - 9:24 a.m.
My career as a diet hawker

I have an audition for a commercial today! WOW. It's a Weight Watchers commercial. WOW. They wanted actors that are about 10 to 30 pounds heavier than their "ideal" weight. They want happy, upbeat seeming, outgoing individuals with a little personality. It's got ME written all over it! I know I should not be getting my hopes up, but at the same time, I want to be positive and affirmative and all those words that really mean getting my hopes up. I can do this. I can get this. This is a commercial that will no doubt be national, and there's some money in it for sure...and an apprenticeship with the union..YAY.

I feel like I am going to crap my pants. I get this weird nervous reaction where I think my guts are tightening up out of fear of failure and squashing all the shit in my colon so that it turns into diarrhea (sp?) and then I have the shits for hours until it's audition time. Then I get to the audition and sit waiting for my turn, while I feel my guts roiling and boiling and gas builds up. Then right before it's my turn, I suddenly have to shit. I call it SPS...sudden poo syndrome. IE pokin a turtle. And I have to run for the can where my shit projectiles out of my ass and splashes water all over my butt and not without a triumphant blast of sound to rival a brass band. It's really classy.

Hopefully that doesn't happen today. I have 20 seconds to tell them about myself, and I have to do two 360 degree turns. This is going to be fun fun fun.

I have raspberry seeds stuck in my teeth. So it was funfunfun. I was in there for not very long, I did exactly as I was told, see above. It was mainly a cattle call, but I hope they liked what they saw. I could really really use this money and the credit too, it'll get me on as an apprentice in the Union. Right. Now I play the waiting game until the end of June, since the callbacks aren't until July 2 and 3. Wow, that's a long time to wait, but I can deal, honestly! I can wait. I'll just sit right here and wait right here, right? Here ok, I'll be here...

old bitching - random - new bitching

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