Jul. 04, 2002 - 10:59 a.m.
Creepy Courier

Weird thing just happened. I'm at work, and this courier comes in to drop something off. I said hi to him and he was really quiet and looking at me funny and seemed incredibly shy. He put all his stuff down awkwardly, and accidentally hit the bell sitting on my desk in case I am away from it. He got all flustered and then got me to sign the sheet. So I did and he said

"how come you are all red?" I said "I don't know, I usually am" (cause my face will flush for no reason, I am often too hot or just having that rosy glow thing going on in my face). So he said "oh I thought it was because of me" and I said, rather shortly now that I think of it "no". He got all jittery, I REALLY started to turn red and said "NOW I'm red because of you, you're making me MORE red" and he said "I've just made a total ass of myself" and became very weird and jerky, and walked out the door emitting a high pitched nervous laugh.

EEEEEEEEK. That was the most awkward moment.

As I said the other day, I didn't get the Weight Watchers commercial. I had an audition for a used car company commercial yesterday. I don't know what the company name is. I thought it was Texan or Dexan or something like that, but I got to the audition and the information sheet ACTUALLY said "Used Car Commercial". HA. I didn't have any sides, they just wanted me to talk about myself a little bit. AGAIN with that stuff. Well, I hope that I was full of life and personality. I hope they liked me because, dammit, as I say every day in my diary, I NEED THE MONEY.

I actually decided to come back to work at the Stanley Theatre. I've been on leave for about 3 months and I really don't want to work there anymore, but again, I NEED THE MONEY. I am really busting my ass to start a savings account, AND we are going to Mexico in October, and I really don't want that to break me.

I'm suddenly craving raisin toast with pounds of butter mmmm.

"I'm losing my favorite game, you're losing your mind again."

old bitching - random - new bitching

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