Jul. 23, 2002 - 12:02 p.m.
The Glendinning Test

I love this website...here's the latest test I've taken...

Which Glendinningite Are You? (aka The Longest In-Joke in the World) You are Owen. English by birth but brought up in Scotland, you have a reputation for permanently being a bit confused. However, this is not so: underneath the bemused exterior a powerful mind is at work, processing the environment and sharply reasoning about the world around you. The result is a lean, mean, thinking machine that looks a bit like a startled rabbit. Arguably one of the nicest people anyone could hope to meet, you also have a stomach that probably defies the laws of physics. Able to actually eat more than the entire nation of Bangladesh in a single sitting, you're also impossibly slim; something some of the other Glendinning residents are perhaps a little jealous of. No matter. All will be equalised come the revolution. You can tell the world that ethnic tops are the future with the following fashion statement:

Take the Glendinning Test Today!

Hee Heeeee

old bitching - random - new bitching

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