Jul. 29, 2003 - 1:14 p.m.
Come in the window's open.

My mother called me today with a note she had found in a book from years and years ago.

The note was dated April 6th, 1990. I was 14. It said something to the effect of:

"Come in, the window is open. Try not to get my bed dirty. Please close the window quietly, my mother's room is right above you. We're on the couch. Niki and Arianna"

I used to live in the basement of my parent's house. I used to sneak in and out through said window, which my bed was underneath. I couldn't go out the back door because there was a motion sensor light that would turn on if I went out, and they would hear me if I went out the front door because of my dog. So I snuck in and out said window. I also snuck boys in and out said window....

That's pretty funny. She was laughing. Ahhh, the memories.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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