Sept. 15, 2003 - 1:38 p.m.
Disgusted Writer

I have a bone to pick/small request. If you are going to leave nasty comments in my diary, fine, you are entitled to your opinion.

But have the BALLS to leave your name and a link to your own diary. There's nothing worse than a coward who will throw insults from the sidelines and then hide hoping the person they insulted doesn't see them.

It's pathetic.

I got a comment on the last entry that goes like this:

from: disgusted reader

"What are you on?!"

What the fuck is that? Please whoever you are, don't read my diary anymore. You don't belong here. You don't belong anywhere in diaryland in my opinion. Little tip for you: IT'S A MOTHERFUCKING DIARY. This is the place where innermost thoughts go. This is the place where random ramblings have a home. This is where sick thoughts appear, valid arguments, contemplative passages, outright raging, crying, spazzing, where you can get out your bad feelings on 'paper' so they don't come out on other people in your life.

This is where anything goes, and anything DOES go here. This is where we ALL have absolute license to write what we want, how we want, when we want without the judgement of "disgusted readers" whose virgin eyes can't bear the travesties of 'sick' people who appear to be 'on something'

Go fuck yourself. Cancel your diary, you don't deserve one. I'd love to see what you write. Flowers, and ohh, I love my girlfriend so much, she's the one for me ohhhh, when really it's all bullshit delusions and wishful thinking because you know you'll never find anyone else who can tolerate you.

Or maybe you're just uber religious? Maybe your diary is about Jesus? Well, that makes you a model human doesn't it? Jesus, the real guy, would keel the fuck over if he saw how people brandish his teachings now, how his ideas had been turned into weapons to keep people under control, how those people brandishing the weapons of his ideas use perverse twisted versions of such to judge other people in order to make themselves feel better about their own deviance.


So like I said, close your diary, cancel it, and don't bother reading anyone else's because I wouldn't want them to have to suffer through 'disgusting' a kind, thoughtful, intelligent, pious and perfect reader such as yourself.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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