Oct. 28, 2002 - 9:11 a.m.

Ok, now I'll explain today's earlier entry.

The halloween party rocked ONNNN. It was great, the costume was great, and I was such a mess that I forgot where my camera was, so I didn't take any damn pictures. DAMMIT. Though I can always get dressed up again and take them later. I spent all day friday and Saturday sewing that damn alice costume, and the finished product ROCKED.

Ok remember the crush I mentioned that was one of the acting class buddies that I felt I had embarassed myself in front of by babbling my dumb drunk assed head off? The one I mentioned was probably out of my league? That's not so true anymore.

I was a weak child on halloween and decided to do a wee tab of 'e'. For all intensive purposes, I'll call my crush the Mad Hoodie. So the Mad Hoodie also indulged in the little white pill and it was a cold night. We started out rubbing hands, cause A) COLD!!! and B) felt niiiiiiiiiice ...tingleeeeeee. Ended up snuggling all night on a couch talking and being weirdo eheads. Very fun.

Part of my costume was two bandages around my wrists, with a little fake blood seeping through. At one point, I took them off. I saw Mad Hoodie put one of them on. Anyway, I was a little worried about how he would react to me at class the next day. I was afraid he'd ignore me, be weird about things or be distant, but he wasn't. In fact, he was STILL wearing my wrist bandage, 12 hors later. How sweet!! Then he took the bus home with me (he lives about three blocks from me, quelle coincidence) and sort of semi-invited me to a movie, which I'd already seen, and now, in retrospect, realized that maybe I should have accepted anyway. Well, I'll be seeing him on Halloween night, scrabble game time, and handing out candy to the little ones. I think I'll dress like trailer trash.

Anyway, the conclusion is, he likes me!! At least, I can't think of another reason why someone would wear my bloody bandage all day.

What do you guys think? Should I go ahead and allow myself to read into this stuff or am I setting up for a painful fall?

I do have to say, it's nice to feel attraction from someone else again. Very ego-boosting and spirit raising.

I'll keep you posted.


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