Sept. 09, 2002 - 11:44 a.m.
Friends With Benefits

Is it sick to be friends with benefits? He hasn't left yet, he's still sleeping in my bed. We had sex last night, we promised not to leave eachother's lives. That I could call him anytime to chat and vice versa. That we could go to each other's places to watch movies and we could go out for dinner. Also, if we were feeling lonely and physical, we could call each other and maybe play a bit, rather than seeking out one night stands with perfect strangers, risking all kinds of things. And being together is much more fun than Mr. or Miss Right Hand. We agreed to be email buddies, chatting on ICQ etc.

We talked more last night and weeded out one of the things that may have doomed us a little. The fact that we didn't really have the casual, mostly exclusive but not quite relationship stage. We dated for about 4 months, which is a long time, but then I went to Scotland for four months and while I was there, he told me he loved me and that he wanted me to come home and move in with him. He missed me so much while I was away. So I came home and we moved in together, technically a mere 4 months into our relationship (since four of the eight were spent apart). That's too soon isn't it?

I am not going to get my hopes up, because that would be foolish, but perhaps having a very casual relationship of just seeing each other but not living together will make us closer. Maybe we were just too serious too fast and need to backtrack a bunch.

I don't know. It's all so confusing and I just want to drop of the end of the earth sometimes, to avoid all this trouble and pain. It would be so easy to just become a field of energy and float around involving myself in things but not being aware of them. Or to be a cat. They don't care about anything.

I feel sick. I want to vomit. I can't get rid of this constant minor migrane. And I have all this time at work to sit and think about it.


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