Jul. 17, 2003 - 10:01 a.m.
If it looks like shit, smells like shit, hmmmm. Must be shit.

Is it wrong to like to give someone affection? I mean, I've heard this line before.

"You want to be in love for the sake of being in love."

I think that's oversimplifying it quite a bit, but at the same time, why is that bad? If I meet someone that gives me butterflies in my stomache, that makes me want to give them affection and pleasure and makes me want it from them in return.

Why is that wrong and dysfunctional? We go through life struggling through our shit and other people's shit and life's shit and it makes it nice to step away from that shit, and kiss someone, and have them kiss you back and put their hands on you and tell you how amazing you are, and you can touch their neck and stroke their cheek and tell them they're beautiful in every way.

If you both truly believe these things, then why is it wrong? Why is it co-dependent? Why is it frowned upon to want that in your life?

I guess because it's never that simple. We as humans in the life we've created for ourselves, cannot step away from our shit, other people's shit and life's shit. We're steeped in shit so everything we do looks and smells like shit.

Even things that begin as truly beautiful, with truly beautiful intentions become shit coloured and reek like shit.

That's why I'm hurting. I try to bring out beautiful things in people and they resist me at every pass.

I know I'm harping. I do that. I get on a line and I beat that line till it's dead and all wrinkled up. But at least I know that line inside out....

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
Interpol - NYC
Feels Like:
ugh. Tea. Too much tea in my bellieeeeee

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