May. 20, 2004 - 3:16 p.m.

I have the worst cramps known to woman today. They were there yesterday too, actually, the bastards. I'm doing too much again today, as per usual. I have to work, I have yoga, and then I'm going home. I'll probably be home by about 10, just in time for me to crawl into bed, check my email, listen to a little music and play a little solitaire until I'm sleepy.

I admit that I really miss having a body to crawl into bed with. There's something so lovely about coming in from a cold outside to a toasty body in the bed. They warm you up, you cool them down. It's lovely. And then they roll over to wrap their arms around you while you fall asleep.

Tromley got his hair cut. I love it. He's so amazing, he can pull off almost anything. At least the stylist left him enough hair for me to stick my fingers into, not that I get to stick my fingers in there a lot, but I sneak a little muss-up once in a while. Damn he's beautiful.

It's amazing how people become familiar to you. Little gestures they make, facial expressions, the texture of their skin or the smell of their cheek. Soft lips, round. Little ears. Soft eyes. All these little things are so familiar to me. Important, almost on a daily basis, for me to experience.

I could close my eyes and know it was him I was touching, maybe from presence alone, but certainly from scent and touch. He need only lean near to me and breathe and I would know it was him by the sound. I could reach out and feel the angle of his nose, the bow curve of his upper lip, his powerful chin and jaw, his narrow cheek. Everything so soft.

I would recognize his voice in a room of hundreds. His scratchy laugh, his particular timbre, his drawn out lilt of speech. How his reading voice differs from his chatting voice and lowers to a mellow hum, a soft lapping at my earlobes.

Usted es mi peque�a liebre y te amo.

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
Weezer - El Scorcho again
Feels Like:
fuzzy. warm.

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