Mar. 27, 2003 - 10:23 p.m.
The Middle of the Street Bag

WEIRDEST THING happened tonight at work. One of the patrons at the theatre came up to the box office and handed me a bag that she had found lying in the middle of the street. She had looked in the bag for ID or something and found a bus pass, a cell phone, some cash, several CDs etc.

Very strange. She was concerned that the owner of the bag had been abducted or was attacked or something so she asked me to call the police to let them know, in case someone else had filed a missing person's report or something. So I called them and they said just bring the bag to one of the city police offices in the morning. Fine, whatever.

So a few minutes later her phone rings, and it's her sister, who lives on the island. I proceed to freak her out telling her the story of how the bag was found and had come into my posession. She was worried, considerably and understandably, and she said she would call her sister's roommate and get him to call me. So he did and I met up with him to give him her bag, he was going to check her work etc. So I left him my info because I was also concerned about her safety.

So I finally got a call, and it turns out, she was in a car with her friends, they were driving to the hockey game. The driver was driving like a maniac because they were late, and they were in some kind of van or truck. Anyway, her door was open slightly, you know how sometimes you close it and it's not closed all the way? Well, she opened the door and closed it properly while the truck was still moving and unbeknownst to her, her bag had fallen out of the car while the door was open.

Thus explains the mystery of the middle of the street bag.

Folks, she's ok. And no bags were harmed in the...oh for crying out loud how ridiculous cheesy is that?

Shut up already.

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
Modest Mouse - Dark Centre of the Universe
Feels Like:
Wool. I'm wearing wool. And running shoes. I feel wolly and springy

1 fussbugets said...

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