Mar. 17, 2003 - 9:38 a.m.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!

It is the day to wear green, drink beer and act like an asshole. YAY. I'm doing one of three, possibly two, but that's what THEY think.

I've been working out again. YAY, back in the saddle. My arms, chest and back are sore sore sore from doing pushups...I'm so strong, but I'm still pretty weak I guess. I don't want to get BIG or muscular so to speak, just toned up and stronger.

Oh: my evil villain thingy thing:

You are Jack the Ripper. Yours were some of the
most brutal murders recorded in history--yet
your case is still to this day unsolved. You
came from out of the fog, killed violently and
quickly and disappeared without a trace. Then
for no apparent reason, you satisfy your blood
lust with ever-increasing ferocity, culminating
in the near destruction of your final victim,
and then you vanish from the scene forever. The
perfect ingredients for the perennial thriller.

Going for dinner with my gramma tonight. She rocks. I'll be devastated when she passes away, and of course, she will one day. She's 82 I think? Maybe 83 now, and she's not frail at all, my any means, but I still worry. It's silly, I should live for the day, but one can't help but worry sometimes, you know?

OK, I have to work now, (yeah right). There are lovely things happening to me today. Yesterday was so lonely and sad until last night, and now things are so much brighter all over again. The big change could be as soon as two weeks now! GOD my life is a rollercoaster. Never take antidepressants, they just make you boring. HAHAH!

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
Sarah McLachlan - Fear
Feels Like:
I should have a large beer in hand at least.

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