Jan. 15, 2003 - 12:40 p.m.
My Private Folder

Hey guys.

I now have a PRIVATE folder. It is for stuff that I have to get out of my system but not necessarily meant for everyone's eyes. I don't know how to go about inviting you guys to have a password.

I would love to just say, hey kids if you want a password etc, for my private pages, then please drop me a note and I'll give you one. But what if the person who's eyes it's not meant for drops me a note? I wouldn't want to have to reject anyone. A hell, they know who they are. Send me a note, I'll give you a password.

Ok guys? These things in the private folder are often subjects that though I don't want everyone to know, I still would need support and advice and asskicking etc on. So please, thebrenda most certainly, drop me a note and I'll set you up with a password. One of your choosing I hope, then it's easier to rememeber.

Great, guys. And I appreciate you filling out my survey.

Love ya all, thanks for your support!

little A.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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