Jan. 16, 2004 - 9:22 a.m.
Province of Underfoot

Raging Bitch, Population one, is my new place of residence. I don't wanna be nice anymore. I'm tired of it. It has gotten me nowhere in my life, other than the Village of Trodden Down, the District of Used and Abused, the City of Taken for Granted, and Regional District of Unappreciated.

How far can I take that joke? HA.

So there is some major change about to happen here. Not just in my overall average demeanor, but in my priorities in life.

I was looking at my naked body in the mirror this morning, and I came to a realization. I won't be happy thinner. My breasts would be wasted and weird, like emtpied out bags, and I want that even less than I want to be slightly chubby. So basically the result of this thinking is that I don't want to lose any more weight.

What I do want to do: become extremely flexible, very centred and strong and firm, toned. Answer: Yoga and Pilates. That's it! And a run on Sunday mornings. And riding my bike and a swim here and there. Nothing super strenuous. I should take what I'm spending on my personal trainer, and sign up for yoga classes. It would cost half.

So I will be a bitch, but I'll be the bendiest most relaxed strong ab'ed bitch ever.

What a refreshing turn of events. Therapy really is working. It's very strange and scary to begin to let go of this lifelong practice of 'trying to lose weight'. There's never been a time in my life I can remember when I wasn't trying to lost weight.

Here I go.


old bitching - random - new bitching

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