May. 23, 2003 - 2:48 p.m.
Clausterphobic - Exhausted - Burnt Out - Sad

I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm VERY moody today. I'm torn between going to the gym and getting a whole buncha stuff done like picking up some art work and going to the clinic to get a prescription, and going home to have a nap.

I can do the clinic tomorrow. Going to the gym would be a great idea, but I feel so lazy and tired I doubt it would be a good workout. I really have to get on a better workout routine. I used to go so much, what happened to me?

I know what happened. Work happened. I am burning out very very quickly. I'm having a downswing. I am so fucking tired of getting up and slogging to work everyday and sloggin home and then feeling like shit and being tired. The only light lately has been the lawyer.

I have discovered something very upsetting, I think. After sex, I get very very depressed. I want to cry. I wonder if the endorphine high causes a manic depressive crash and I dip into a downswing. Because it's happened three times now. That's scary. I don't want to cry after sex all the time.

Does anyone know anything about that? Heard anthing the like?

Only two hours left in the day. No chance of going home early since I was so late this morning, even though I made it up during my lunch hour.

I'm dressed like a man today, I feel sweaty, even though I had a shower this morning. I feel like my clothes aren't fitting me right or something too. My sweater feels very constricting. My jeans too, even though they're quite loose. I just feel ick. Slimmer, but ick.

I'm going to go home I think. I need the bath and the quiet time and the snooze. A little scary video game maybe..?

old bitching - random - new bitching

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Cold Play - Careful Where you Stand
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