Apr. 29, 2004 - 1:23 p.m.
Some Shizzle to pass the time

Wow I just fell asleep at my desk for five minutes. Wow. That was weird. I'm listening to Lick the Tins' version of Falling in Love With You.

It was in my dream. I felt like I was going to fall off my desk chair. I wonder why I'm so snoozy right now. I feel super tired suddenly. Maybe it's because I had like 5 hours of sleep last night and that's it?

I think I'd like to go straight home after work and crawl into bed, surf the net, listen to good music and knit. In fact, I think I might just do that if I can get rid of my work shift. I'll do some laundry, clean my room up a little bit, spend some time at home. God that would feel great. I doubt I could be so lucky as to find someone who wants to take this shift.

There's so much I want to do. Go to yoga, see Tromley (can't do that though) rest up, eat chocolate, watch movies, like bad movies today, knit like mad, shop, have a massage, a wax, a pedicure (which I'm doing with my mother soon anyway).

I can't wait to stop working. At least while in school my days will be all broken up and I'm going to try to work more and do maybe just 80% course load in the first term. Then I'll have a little more time for me, yes please!!

Well. No one is getting back to me. I'm going to have to bust some heads on this shift thing. Augh.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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