Feb. 02, 2004 - 7:21 a.m.
smug and hurtful are not appropriate here

I wish there were some way to just block individual people, not block everyone and just allow selects.

I find it frustrating when people leave mean messages in my guestbook trying to make me feel bad about something about myself. Like the shining beacon of wisdom that calls him/herself getagrip and mocks me. Why be like that? what does it accomplish by being a hurtful person? Don't you people read this? Don't you know that I am frustrated with myself for not being stronger? How much mental anguish I wrack myself through about this all the time?

I FUCKING KNOW that I'm weak alright? I fucking know that I'm pathetic and that I'm a spineless whiny girl who doesn't deserve shit. So fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you for making this place unsafe for me. Fuck you for making me scared to write what I feel.

You smug bastard. I hope someone breaks your heart and you feel what it's like you piece of shit.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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