Jul. 02, 2003 - 9:53 a.m.
Sin and Debauchery

I was bad last night.

Bad bad bad. I went to a Canada Day party and it was at a very big, very cool house way up in the British Properties, which are up on the side of a mountain in West Vancouver. You can see the whole city from up there. There was a pool. There was booze. There were actors. So you can imagine that we were all naked at one point.

Anyway, I got a little frisky with the older fellow from my acting class, who I believe I've mentioned before. Also got frisky with one of the women from my acting class. That was also interesting. I wish I wasn't such an idiot when I'm drunk. I wonder if it will be weird at class tonight. Since we've crossed a bit of a line.

I like the older fellow. He's very good looking, in good shape, probably an emotional train wreck but he's funny and he seems sweet and he seems to be my biggest fan. There's interest on my part, I'm not sure about the interest on his part, it could have just been that we were naked and had been drinking and the opportunity was there. I also do not want a boyfriend anymore. I just want to stay free. I want to make room in my life for real love.

None of us had sex, which I'm glad about, but we were silly nonetheless. There was nipple sucking and kissing and perhaps a little stroking but that's it. Stayed otherwise within bounds.

I'm also kinda waiting for someone. I don't know if things will go any particular direction. He's not in my life now, he may be in the next month, and I want to be free to explore something if it comes up. I've waited three years, I can wait another month.

This naughty girl is going to go do some work, or maybe I'll just fill out those meme questions I lifted from somnambulist. I'll post them later.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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my head a-poundin
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my head a-poundin

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