Dec. 19, 2002 - 9:43 a.m.
Some Blathering

I think I'm funny. Apparently, what's REALLY funny is the fact that I think I'm funny.

I'm going to hang out with a friend of mine that I haven't seen for nearly 3 years. CRAZY!! I met him when I was 18 living in Whistler. He was the best friend (At the time) of a guy Karina was dating. I fell super hard, I really liked him a lot. He became a pretty prominent figure in my thoughts and fantasies. After Karin and her guy broke up, she started being highly interested in him too, AUGH. So it became a sore spot and a little bit of competition between us. Anyway, time passes, he and I remained friends. I got him a job etc. I left for Europe, and just before I did, at the going away party he and I got together. We just kissed a lot, slept spooned up, I think I woke up with his face resting on my arm. That sort of thing. It's all so fucked up. Anyway, needless to say nothing came of it, and we managed to stay friends.

I don't feel this way about him anymore, he's just a great friend that I've known for a REALLY long time and I can't wait to catch up with him. We talked on the phone last night for about an hour, and it's cool the way that we pick up right where we left off, easy-like.

He's confiding in me already, etc. It's great.

I got my Christmas money from my grandmother early, so I'm going to buy some useless sexy shit today. Some new black boots, because the ones I have are now TRAILER TRASHED. A few knicknacks here'n'there etc. Put the rest in savings. WHEEE. I'll tell you what I bought, in case you really care at all.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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