Aug. 22, 2003 - 11:11 a.m.

Yeah still sick. Even sicker. Ugh. I can't seem to stomache anything, and when I CAN stomach things, they're things I'm not supposed to eat. Like bagels and sugar and smoothies.

Going to hell ladies and gents. Though one could argue that this is the time to eat comfort foods and to feel nurtured and food can do that for me. Considering I won't be able to eat much after the abortion, maybe I should enjoy now.

I'm still really tired and draggy. I'm forgetting things, I can't do basic math. I would love to curl up on the floor right here and have a nap. I would also like to go buy a sweater because I'm FREEZING. My hands are actually numb with cold.

So as you know, I'm not telling my family. My mother is far too born again Christian and will blame my pregnancy on porn, public nudity and watching gay parades. I would love to tell my brother but I don't think he can keep his mouth shut. My gramma, no way. So that's it..I'm pretty much alone on the family front, which is fine. I don't feel all that close with any of them anyway, except my brother.

OK so what else. I had an audition last night and I felt So out of place. All the other girls there were little hottie body boobie beasts and there was me. It was a terrible audition. I was terrible and the casting director said "you have to work on your american". I said sorry. Like sore-ey in stead of sawry. I hate that they think that's the right way to say it. Like american is the right way to say everything. Duh..hello, you didn't originate that language you assholes. I think americans sound like they're always talking with their mouths wide open. It's quite an ugly sound in my opinion...sore-ey, no offense....

Oh man, I'm ready for bed. I feel AWFUL.

My life really is a fucking drama isn't it!!!????

old bitching - random - new bitching

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Xenocide - ploughin through, got another book to start soon
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No Doubt - Don't Speak
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