Jun. 03, 2004 - 10:03 a.m.
what the stars say goes

A horoscope from my mother's newspaper for this week:

Your energy, charisma and effectiveness ride a lucky wave! Love, romance, creativity, beauty and pleasure await you Sunday morning (love didn't, maybe creativity and beauty, I cleaned). Tackle chores Monday/Tuesday. Relationships command attention Wednesday/Thursday - deep things occur between you and others, right into Friday/Saturday. A subtle alienation and an "off centre" fascination could arise - with the same person, perhaps. Attraction and enmity reach a climax. It's an odd situation: you're attractive, but the other is stubborn. Applies in love and business. Everything's semi-hidden, underground forces play between you. It leads to commitment, intimacy, funding - or a break-off.

Isn't that a scary one? It's terribly applicable, but I don't think anything is going to happen, unless I snap and break it all right off... who knows.

And now, today, I don't feel so ready to just let it drift off. TromleyandJana must still have some kind of piece of Tromley left, no?

old bitching - random - new bitching

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