Apr. 28, 2004 - 2:44 p.m.
Tea Breath

Well. Day 1.5 of the double meds. I slept like the dead and was wide awake at 7:00 today. That's a marked improvement.

I've been a little speedy and chatty today, but I've actually felt HAPPY all day. Isn't that insane? Nothing has upset me, nothing has made me feel like crying. This is how I used to feel on the meds years ago. AHA! I was becoming used to the stuff and building up an immunity. Anyway, so far so good. I'm certainly up up up.

I guess that's not great, discovering that drugs make me happier and better all around, but I wasn't bummed to be at work today.

I went for lunch with my big boss today too. The one in his 50's that looks like he's a five year old. He has big round cheeks and sticky up hair and sticky out ears and he giggles. He's lovely, and extremely intelligent and if I were 10 years older and he were 10 years younger, I think we'd date.

Anyway, I quite like him and respect him and I think he's an all around great guy despite his old school conservative ways.

We had a fantastic conversation and it was nice to kinda have that bonding moment with him because I don't see him that much. His office is at the other end of the place and he's awfully busy, and I used to be a little afraid of him. He gets very moody. But I made him laugh several times at lunch so that was great.

I have tea breath.

I have convinced Angie at work here to go to yoga too. I'm on a roll. I've got it tonight, then I'm going for coffee with John the Surfer. I've been entirely too social this month, but hey, it's a nice change. Like I said, I wanted new blood in my life.

Actually, several people who I haven't seen or heard from in a while are coming back onto the scene. It's kinda nice.

Hey, I just noticed that true to form this entry is really boring. Know why? Because I'M HAPPY TODAY. Go figure. Depression is inspiration for me, and probably loads of other artists. The only way to get the pain out is to create, right?

Crap, well, when I start school and have to write essays every day, I'll have to drop the meds. Then my work will be brilliant. Heh.


It's nice to feel completely content for a moment. I like this. Paid for or not.

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:
same as yesterday
Sounds Like:
Cold Play - Yellow
Feels Like:
Things are ok today.

2 fussbugets said...

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