Mar. 12, 2004 - 10:15 a.m.
Things I have that make me happy


Things I have that make me happy and I should be thankful for:

My Cats
My condo
My brother
My hair
good friends that love me
i'm not broke in the real sense. I do have enough to live well
drive to do things I love doing - school, acting, knitting
hey, I can knit, that's pretty cool, that makes me happy.
good skin
cute feet and hands
my computer
good music
a great brain in my head and a love for knowledge
i live in a beautiful city
I live in an free and supportive non religious regime country - despite how much goddam tax I pay (because of how much goddam tax i pay?)
I have good taste buds to enjoy the things I put in my mouth, even the healthy things like veggies.
I have a great garden!
I have strong legs
I have straight teep (teeth - inside joke).

old bitching - random - new bitching

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