Jul. 04, 2004 - 6:01 p.m.
this is not cool

Right it's now 6pm. I can't believe I let him do this to me again.

WTF?? He asked me to hang out. Why would someone do this shit.

I'm so fucking furious with myself for thinking he'd fucking change one bit. I should have said no to coffee. I should have said fuck right off. I want my $30 that he owes me.

And the saddest thing is I haven't got anyone to take with me to Leaky Heaven Circus tonight.

I feel like shit. I'm hot, dehydrated, hung over still, bloated and chubby feeling, stood up and totally alone. This is not fun. It's not ok to be alone today. It's just not.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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