Apr. 19, 2003 - 12:22 p.m.
Trust and Hair

Someone tell me I don't need friends like that! My life is such a fucking soap opera. I can practically see him standing there with his arm thrown across his forehead, eyes cast upward with a ridge of tears balanced precariously on his lower lashes, ready to pour forth at the first provocation.


I have three days of my holiday left, including today. I miss The Lawyer in a ridiculous way. He's on a boat with his parents until tomorrow afternoon or evening. We've only been together a week and a morning and I'm already pretty attached to him, which scares me a little, since I don't really trust him yet? I want to and I'm trying to, but I don't trust men very well, and I still wonder, is Jackrabbit right or is The Lawyer?

I've done silly things to my hair. I had dark, near black ends because I used to dye my hair black for ages, and I've been growing that out. So three quarters of my hair was a darker/lighter brown, with a few leftover blondish stripes in it. So I went silly and dyed it a reddy brown ON MY OWN AT HOME. Never again. I know better than this. I know I'm not supposed to dye my own hair dammit. DUH. So I went to the salon my friend manages and spent a RIDICULOUS amount of money and got the whole shabam dyed a very dark brown, almost black, and now, I think I'm back where I started. But at least my ends match my roots? Sigh.

The Lawyer will probably hate it. It does look good, makes my green eyes stand out and my skin tone look very fair and rosy. I can wear light pink. Honestly though, I don't do my hair according to what my boyfriend at the time likes, although it's nice to do things that make him like looking at you even more.

He sometimes says little things alluding to the fact that he thinks I'm hot, and it's funny how I try, in my head, to make reasons why he says them other than him actually thinking I'm hot. It's stupid, I just seem to refuse to believe that someone could actually think this about me, even if I know it's possible. There's self esteem issues for you.


Wow, do I ever want this to last. He's 21, so he's 6 years younger than me. GAH. He hates kids. But he's 21. That could change one day. Who knows. Not that I am with him with kids on the brain. I'm in no rush. I just don't want to fall in love with someone who never ever ever wants kids. That was an issue with Chris.

I'm doing laundry today.

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
Cold Play - Careful Where You Stand
Feels Like:
A quiet day - Jewish Dinner Party tonight.

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