Jan. 06, 2003 - 1:18 p.m.
What the hell is wrong with me?

Read the previous entry for another one of those annoying tell all quizzes.

It's weird, my diary fluxuates between being the diary of a 13 year old boy crazy female and a 19 year old horny guy who likes fart jokes. What's the matter with me????

I'm so fucking torn up. As per usual. Ala Eddie Izzard.

Jackrabbit and I are embarking on some kind of sick non-relationship thing.

He has told me that I am his best friend. I don't know how to take that. I need to stop thinking about me so much. I'm a narcissist. I need to relax more and not be so emotional. I need to just be me, and be happy, and if he wants to come along for the ride, then I am more than happy to accomodate him. If not, that's ok too.

Life is not about having a partner, though some would argue with that.


I have sweaty feet, and I have to go and fill up some boxes with files today, which isn't fun really. OK. Three hours of work left and I'm dying already.

BLAH. It's definitely back to the grind. Welcome to 2003 kids, it's going to be a fun ride.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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