Jul. 19, 2002 - 11:26 a.m.
The Return of the Creepy Courier

That courier came in today. I suppose I'll be seeing him a lot, since he's a courier and people send things to us.

He was in on Wednesday too, but I didn't talk to him. I was in the kitchen. Angie did though and he told her that she smells nice. I think I figured out what the problem is.

I normally don't mind people making personal comments, but he didn't start off with a very complimentary one. As I mentioned before, he said to me "how come you are all red?". Not a nice way to start a conversation with a strange woman. So it was an extremely personal, unflattering thing to say and it made me really uncomfortable, so that the next time he came in, I was even MORE uncomfortable. The second time he came in he asked me if I was "warming up to him". I flatly said "No." Which I suppose was a little short, but I think he's a cheeky bastard and I didn't want to give him a break.

Anyway, today. He came in and I said, "so I hear you've been hitting on the other women in here too". He said "I didn't hit on her, was that hitting on her?" THEN HE HAD THE NERVE TO SAY "Are you hitting on ME?" AUGHGHSHAHGH

I wanted to smack him. I said "Absolutely not." Then I said that I wasn't really sure what I thought of him. He looked pissed off after that. Mumbled "have a good day" and took off after I signed for the letter that was the cause of all my problems.

I think next time he comes in, in order to make both our jobs easier, I am going to suggest starting all over again. I'll tell him that his personal comments were uncomfortable, and not to make them again. Then we'll be happy and professional and I won't have such an irritating and frustrating time EVERY time letters are delivered.


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